
What’s Breadcrumbs Roles In SEO (Search Engine Optimization?

When it comes to SEO, there’s a lot to contend with. Keywords, links, and in-depth content all impact your ability to rank in the almighty search engines. It’s like competing in the fast-food arena today – tacos or burgers? But what about breadcrumbs? No, we’re not talking about the tasty breading for chicken parm. Breadcrumbs are a navigational feature for your website, and they can have an awesome impact on SEO and user experience. There’s still a ton of websites that don’t implement breadcrumbs – which is a huge mistake, not just because they impact SEO but also because they are pretty easy to implement. Here’s what you need to know about what breadcrumbs are, how they impact SEO, and common mistakes to avoid. What Are Breadcrumbs in SEO?

Breadcrumbs are website links that allow users to track where they are on a website and how far they are from the homepage.You’ll usually find them at the top of a website or just under the navigation bar.Just like internal links, they help keep users on a website and help them find the information they are looking for.

Here’s an example of breadcrumbs from DHL’s website: It shows exactly what categories I clicked on to land on the page I am viewing. The breadcrumbs make it easy to backtrack to a previous page if I need to. Breadcrumbs are a useful UX feature that makes site navigation easier, but they do a lot more. Recent changes in Google have made those nifty breadcrumbs even more important – because now they can impact SEO directly.

  • shrish dixit


    December, 23 2022

